Thursday, 30 July 2015

Muscle Mass Brothers & Creatos Media

MMB & CM join forces

Muscle Mass Brothers have joined forces and will work together on rising our profiles.

Who are Muscle Mass Brothers:

“We are Muscle Mass Brothers - people who are passionate about gym and healthy life style.
Muscle Mass Brothers is community for everyone enjoying sport, healthy lifestyle and gym. We want to help our community to get fit via our website, social media, blog and forum where we advise people about sport, diet and nutrition related topics.  Our mission is to encourage as many people as possible to get healthy and fit." 


Creatos Media will promote Muscle Mass Brother and will work together on the joint project called 'Gym Project'. The project involves of Muscle Mass Brothers co-founders who are amateur body builders, visiting a local gyms. We will have interview with staff and owner of the gym about the atmosphere and specialization of the gym. Creatos Media will record and produce the video of the interviews and MMB members training in the gym. This will promote the local gym visited by us and build up the community and networks. 

Muscle Mass Brothers apart from our joint project offers amazing social media channels and forum where community can get all answers about sport, nutrition and diet. MMB will help anybody interested in improving health, diet and nutrition as well as reaching any sport goals that will be introduced on the forum. 

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Creatos Media at Arebyte Event

Creatos Media at Arebyte Event

Judgement / Ariel Narunsky

"Judgement is the brainchild of Ariel Z. Narunsky, and is a unique artwork, which mixes together several disciplines in order to create a truly beneficial and effective project. By grafting together the skills and ideas from science, sociology, psychology, animal studies, philosophy, physics, architecture and art we were able to design this colossal and superimposing construction and surroundings." 

Creatos Media has attended event on 7th July 2015.

From Arebyte Facebook page:

"Judgement is an attempt to utilize the perception of stadiums as social monuments to create a mirror or monument to our contemporary society and the human condition.

The project establishes concepts and views regarding motive, meaning, satisfaction, control, punishment and utopia, while all along grafting it with an internal monologue aimed towards the art world. The work offers a proposal for the UK’s largest artwork, public or otherwise, that will be erected out of the existing infrastructure of the London 2012 Olympic stadium at the Queen Elizabeth Park.

In the exhibition of Judgement the work of judgement is unveiled; the new work will offer a giant spiralled three-lane running track enveloped by a spiral wall. At its centre the track will continue underground through a tunnel, which eventually ejects you back on to the streets of London and back to your life. The construction, once erect, aims to be open around the clock for all to come and take part freely as a spectator or runner alike. Offering itself as a daily activity in the life of a community.

The exhibition draws on the aesthetics and ideas of information centres and visitors’ centres and will be using these elements to form the basis of the installation. The installation will fill the gallery space with 3D printed models, as well as architectural plans and animated renderings; these are accompanied by what might be described as promotional posters, catalogues and screening of a film, “Unknown Game With Ultimate things” a video filmed in the stadium showing the early stages of construction of Judgement.

This chosen language enables the ideas to shift between realms and fields, putting into question the parameters of the work itself. The manner of sincerity in which it is presented clashes with the idea it proposes; an idea, which sways between futility, humour, punishment and depth of heart; a joke, a critical observation or sincere solution.

The gallery will have a small coffee table and some chairs, the installation will offer a place for the audience to sit and rest, have a drink and talk while immersing themselves in the work. From the sublunary to the phantasmal, salvation or hoax; this is our monument and our moment, this is Judgement and all of its derivatives."

Here are some of the photos which Creatos Media have taken on this amazing exhibition:

Paper architecture sketch on huge paper covering wall space.

Large 3 d printed model.

Framed picture of Judgement.

Large version of 3 printed model in another aspect. 

Smaller Version 3d printed model split to different sections.

Photos show some of the artwork on huge paper on the wall, 3d printed models and picture frames.

To see more visit Arebyte gallery in Hackney Wick - Unit 4, 49 White Post Lane, Queens Yard, E9 5EN, London, UK. 

Creatos Media has really enjoyed the visit to Judgement at Arebyte gallery. We will for sure attend future exhibitions as amazing welcoming atmosphere will brighten your day. The show has been made with support of The European Cultural Foundation and The Israeli Embassy. Arebyte has also thanked to LLDC, Balfour Beatty for their cooperation and to London-Bam for filming. The video of Judgment by Ariel Narunsky can be seen in Arebyte Gallery until 7th August. You have to see it! 

If you would like Creatos Media to visit your event send us an email.

Visit our website:

Thursday, 2 July 2015

Creatos Media Who are We ?

Creatos Media

"Boost your online presence"

Check out quick and simple presentation. Version 1.

Who are we and what Creatos Media can do for you and your business?

  • Creatos Media is a business which works on image of your company based on social media channels and digital marketing. 
  • Social media profile of you and your company can be your primary tool to reach infinite number of clients both locally and globally. 
  • Social media are one of the most crowded and powerful places in the world with users from around the world
  • Creatos Media not only works on your marketing campaign and social media profile we also can design quick and easy to use websites, graphic designs of banners, logos and many more depending on your companies needs. 
  • We have also begin video promoting which in internet of today is most liked medium of information and promotion just check Youtube.
  • We can support your company on the journey to the top of your market or to the target you have set yourself and your company. 
  • Creatos Media will support you  with most loyal and reliable services we offer and never let you fall down from your path. 
  • We will always be by your side to support you and your team. 
  • Creatos Media will meet you and your company and on weekly basis create reports and action plan so we can be always on track of our achievements and targets.
  • The journey never ends you can always improve your business.

Social media, internet and digital image of your company is the next step in improving your business position on your market. 

Most successful companies around the globe already use social media to promote their services, products and brand. 

with Creatos Media you will be supported on your journey.

Social Media marketing & Consulting would be the first service we suggest to check on our website.

Thank you for reading the post.
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